Donate to Amelia County Animal Shelter

Amelia County Animal Shelter
The Amelia County Animal Shelter is a small county shelter with 12 dog kennels, operated by Amelia Animal Control under the requirements of the Code of the Virginia. The shelter accepts animals as required under the Code and works to place animals back with their owners, adopt them to new owners, or place them with other non-profit animal welfare agencies that are able to find them new homes. Animals are adopted on a first come first served basis, so always contact the Shelter to check that the animal you are interested in is still available. Volunteers are always needed, and welcome! For more information see the Amelia County Animal Shelter website.

If you would like to donate using PayPal you can do so via APAW (Amelia Patron's for Animal Welfare) APAW is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization so your donation is tax deductable.

If you would like to donate via Doobert - click here and go to the bottom of the page.

Please Donate to Help the Dogs and Cats
Each animal that comes in needs medical care that we do not have the funds for. Right now we only vaccinate puppies and kittens, and can only heartworm test when a rescue asks. Most of these medications and vaccines come out of our pockets and from other fundraising events. We would love to be able to provide vaccines, deworming, flea and tick medication and heartworm tests for everyone, but we need help. You can donate once, monthly, or for a specific dog you see in the shelter. You can sponsor one shot, or a whole dog. Every little bit counts! You can donate in person, or via PayPal (see below) or make out a check to APAW and send it to Amelia County Animal Shelter, PO Box A, Amelia VA 23002. APAW is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization so your donation is tax deductable.

 Amazon Wish List

We need:
  • Dry Dog Food,

  • Kitten food (canned and dry),

  • Puppy Chow (canned),

  • Clumping Cat Litter,

  • Canned Cat Food,

  • Canned Dog Food,

  • Newspaper (not magazines),

  • Puppy Potty Pads,

  • Lysol Soap (orange or lemon preferred),

  • New or Unused Pet Crates and Dog Houses,

  • Basic Cleaning Supplies

  • Laundry detergent,

  • Paper towels,

  • Reusable Swiffer Pads (for Swiffer Wet Jet),

  • Towels,

  • Blankets,

  • Plastic Dog Beds,

  • Dog and cat toys and treats,

  • Frontline for cats and dogs (the large size is most enconomical size). No store brands please,

  • Small pet carriers.

On behalf of the dogs thank you.

These are just some of the things incase you wish to donate. You can drop donations off 1pm-4:30pm Monday-Friday at:
Amelia County Animal Shelter.
16565 Five Forks Road,
Amelia Court House,
VA, 23002

Phone: (804) 561-3878
Thank you for helping.

No Squeeky Toys Please
Toys that make a noise when you squeeze them can encourage some dogs to be aggressive towards young children because they squeek too. The device that makes the noise is usually small and can be harmful if swallowed. Some toys of this type contain a small battery which is poisonous if the dog eats it. The best toys are tuggers, tennis balls and hard chew toys that cannot be ripped apart.

Donate a Kuranda Bed
Click here to donate a pet bed to Amelia County Animal Shelter

This website is funded, operated and maintained by The Dog Rescues Network as a service to the community. This website has no connection with Amelia County Animal Shelter. No payment has been received or is required. For enquiries about this website e-mail: